About Melon Games

Melon games is an independent studio founded by twin brothers in 2022. It has been a long standing dream of ours to make great games and make them avalible to the widest audience. This is why we are happy to announce that Melon Games has just published its first two games on the xbox creators collection, "Down In The Depths Blind" and "Deep Dive To The Hive Mind". We intend to make many more great games like this one. Thanks from the Melon Games team.

Down In The Depths Blind

screen shot Down In The Depths Blind is currently in beta release. It will have a few bugs. However it also means that the game is still in development, so the bugs will be fixed and more levels and features are coming soon. It is a two player isometric platformer designed to make you hate your friends. You can not play this with only one player. The game was developed by Ben with a large amount of help from Ollie.

Features Coming Soon:
- new levels
- boss fight
- online Co-Op

You can download the game here on the PC or the Microsoft store as well as on an xbox.

Deep Dive To The Hive Mind

screen shot Deep Dive To The Hive Mind is a multiplayer twin stick shooter where you can have fun with your friends in an exciting PvP deathmatch and with a new story mode coming soon where you have to defeat the dangerous Hive Mind. This means that there will be lots of exciting features. The game was created by Ollie in collaboration with Ben for assets.

Features Coming Soon:
- Story Mode Co-Op
- Online PvP
- New PvP Gamemodes such as capture the flag
- Customisation

You can download the game here on the PC or the Microsoft store as well as on an xbox.